Monday, 23 April 2012

ACCLO newsletter (April 2012)

Inside This Issue
  • April 28, 2012 - 2012 FCCP Gala
  • 2012 Gala Guest of Honour: Dr. Lap-Chee Tsui, OC.
  • May 6, 2012 - Joint FCCP and CCCGT Public Seminar Series
  • June 23, 2012 - 2012 FCCP Dragonboat Teams - Paddlers Wanted
  • August 12, 2012 - FCCP Education Foundation Annual Fundraising Golf Tournament.
  • ACCLO 2012 Membership Renewal
  • ACCLO Recommends: Interesting Events from Other Organization
  • Stay In Touch - Visit ACCLO's blog, Facebook and Twitter pages

2012 FCCP GALA - Saturday, April 28, 2012

Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of FCCP Education Foundation

The 2012 FCCP Gala is taking place at the Sheraton Parkway North Grand Richmond Ballroom, 600 Highway & East, Richmond Hill, Ontario L4B 1B2
  • Cocktail Reception at 6:30pm
  • Dinner at 7:30pm
  • Dancing till 12:30am
  • Silent auction, Door Prizes, Entertainment
FCCP Education Foundation

Proceeds from the Gala will go to the FCCP Education Foundation.  The highlights of the Education Foundation Include:
For tickets ($125 per ticket), please email or call Noel Siao at (416) 617-3009 or Roslyn Tsao at (416) 451-2579.

2010 Gala Guest of Honour: Dr. Lap-Chee Tsui, OC.

The FCCP is honoured to have Dr. Tsui as our Guest of Honour at the 2012 Gala to be held on Saturday, April 28, 2012.

Dr. Tsui has had a long and illustrious career and while his achievements are numerous, he is no doubt best know for heading the team which discovered the gene that causes cystic fibrosis in 1989.

An incomplete and short list of some background information available on Dr. Tsui includes:
For more information of Dr. Tsui, see here.

Joint FCCP and CCCGT Public Seminar Series - May 6, 2012
Host by: Chinese Canadian Chiropractic Society (CCCS)
Seminar: Management of Neck Pain and Headaches - A Drug-less Approach by Chiropractors

Venue: Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto
Date: May 6, 2012 (Sunday)  2:15PM to 4:00 PM
Language: English

Paddlers Wanted - 2012 FCCP Dragonboat Team - June 23, 2012
The dragonboat teams (Dragons and Warriors) are recruiting novice and experienced paddlers for the recreational and competitive teams for the Toronto International Dragon Boat Race Festival on June 23 - 24, 2012 at the Toronto Centre Island.

If interest in tying out, please email the FCCP Dragon Warriors.

FCCP Education Foundation Annual Fundraising Golf Tournament - August 12, 2012
FCCP Education Foundation cordially invites you to tee off at:
The 18th Annual Fundraising Golf Tournament
Sunday, August 12, 2012
10080 Kennedy Road at Major Mackenzie Dr.
Tournament Day Includes: 18 Holes at Angus Glen Golf Club
Competitions: Longest drive, Closet to the pin Awards & Fundraising Banquet
Please register with Roslyn Tsao (Legal) at 416-862-6270
Registration Deadline: Friday, August 3, 2012

ACCLO Membership Renewal
ACCLO Members, with the new year comes upon us now is the time to renew your ACCLO membership.
The ACCLO is building on the momentum of a very successful CLE last fall and we look forward to seeing you at ACCLO and FCCP events in the near future.
If you would like to become a member of ACCLO or renew your membership, please email Carol Suen at for more details.

ACCLO Recommends: Interesting Events from Other Organization

Stay in Touch
  1. Share Your News and This Newsletter.   Let us know what is new with you (i.e. moving office location, addition of new people to your Firm, etc).  Please feel free to forward this newsletter to other Chinese lawyers in Ontario.   Please email and we’ll include your latest update on our next mailout.
  2. Future Topics for Community Outreach?  Let us know what you think the ACCLO should present to the community. Please email with your suggestions.
  3. Share Upcoming Events in Community and We’ll Post Them!  If you would like to alert the ACCLO and FCCP membership to any upcoming community events, please email the ACCLO executive or and we’ll post the event on our Facebook, Twitter or blog account.

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