Friday, 2 March 2012

Articling Task Force’s Consultation Report – Submissions Due March 15, 2012.

From the LSUC website:

The Articling Task Force considered the importance of ensuring transitional training, which is currently articling, has objective and demonstrable standards and does not have the unintended effect of creating unfair barriers to licensing. Those who clearly qualify should not be denied access to the profession simply because they lack an articling placement.

The task force has prepared a consultation report to seek the profession’s comments on five possible options for addressing the issues, as follows:

Option 1:  Maintain the status quo (Articling Requirement as it exists)
Option 2:  Maintain the status quo with quality assurance improvements (measurement tools to assess the delivery and acquisition of the program objectives)
Option 3:  Replace a pre-licensing transition requirement with a post-licensing transition requirement
Option 4: Introduce a choice of either an articling requirement or a practical legal training course (PLTC) requirement (“after law school” model or “during law school” model)
Option 5:  Introduce only a practical legal training course (PLTC) requirement

The Articling Task Force welcomes comments on all these and any additional proposed options. Participation of the profession and other interested organizations will contribute to a constructive process and meaningful solutions. The deadline for written comments is March 15, 2012.

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