Thursday, 31 March 2011

Road to Justice Website Launch

Yesterday, the official launch of Road to Justice, a website documenting the legal struggle for equal rights of Chinese Canadians, took place at the Law Society of Upper Canada.
To a packed house, the distinguished panel of The Honourable Madam Justice Omatsu, Law Society Bencher Avvy Go, Ms Dora Nipp, Mr. Gary Yee and Mr. Paul Saguil unveiled this important resource.
As found on the Law Society website, a description of Road to Justice:
The Metro Toronto Chinese & Southeast Asian Legal Clinic and The Law Society of Upper Canada are proud to present the launch of Road to Justice — a website dedicated to increasing awareness about the historical injustices in the form of legislated discrimination imposed by Canadian governments on people of Chinese descent in Canada.
The website investigates the social and political factors that led to the shameful Canadian laws and policies which restricted the lives and activities of a single race of people. The website features interviews and biographies of some of the first Chinese-Canadian lawyers and key activists in the Redress Campaign, who lobbied the Government of Canada for an apology for more than 60 years of legislated discrimination against the Chinese-Canadian community.
Road to Justice is a legal history project undertaken by the Metro Toronto Chinese and Southeast Asian Legal Clinic with the support of the Government of Canada through the Community Historical Recognition Program.

Association of Chinese Canadian Lawyers in Ontario, a member of the Federation of Chinese Canadian Professionals

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